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Culpeper Solicitation Lawyer

A common misdemeanor charge in Culpeper is the solicitation of a prostitute. An arrest for solicitation does not guarantee that you will face a conviction, however. A practiced criminal defense attorney might be able to help you avoid a conviction entirely.

In a solicitation case, it is the prosecutor’s burden to prove that you were guilty. It is not enough to imply or suggest you have done something wrong; if the prosecutor assigned to your case cannot establish your guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, a jury should acquit you. These acquittals do not happen in a vacuum, however. A skilled Culpeper solicitation lawyer could help you fight the solicitation charges against you. To discuss your defense options, schedule your initial consultation today.

Solicitation Laws in Culpeper

To fight back against a charge of solicitation, it is crucial to understand what qualifies as an illegal act. Solicitation involves seeking sex for money, which means a crime can be committed even when no sexual contact occurs.

Virginia Statute 18.2-346 governs the crime of solicitation. According to the statute, the prosecutor must demonstrate three elements to obtain a conviction for solicitation. These elements include:

  • The defendant made an offer of money or something else of value
  • For the purpose of exchanging the money or value for the performance of a sexual act, and
  • The defendant did a substantial act in furtherance of their offer

The first two elements are straight-forward. To establish these elements, a defendant need only to offer something of value in exchange for a sexual act. The valuable item can be money, drugs, goods, or services.

The final element is less clear. This element indicates that simply offering something of value for sex is not criminal conduct. The defendant must also do an act in furtherance of the agreement, like removing their clothes or discussing the specifics of the encounter. In some cases, a Culpeper solicitation lawyer could argue the defendant was not serious in their offer and never did an act in furtherance of it. If a jury agrees, the defendant could prevail at trial.

Penalties for a Culpeper Solicitation Conviction

The penalties for a conviction for solicitation in Culpeper can carry significant consequences. In addition to the impact a conviction could have a person’s personal life and career, it also carries the possibility of jail time.

Solicitation for prostitution in Culpeper is a Class 1 misdemeanor. A conviction could result in a jail sentence of up to one year in county jail. Additionally, the charge carries a maximum fine of $2,500. The charge of solicitation is elevated to a felony if a defendant solicits prostitution from a minor. A solicitation lawyer in Culpeper could fight for a defendant and help them avoid these serious penalties.

How a Culpeper Solicitation Attorney Could Help

From the workplace to the home, the consequences of a solicitation conviction can reverberate for years. You do not have to resign yourself to this outcome, however.

If you are ready to fight back against the solicitation charges levied against you, reach out to an experienced lawyer. You have the right to defend yourself in a court of law, and you deserve legal counsel that is not afraid to stand up for your legal rights. To learn more about how a Culpeper solicitation lawyer could help, schedule your initial consultation today.

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