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Alexandria Criminal Defense Lawyer

alexandria-criminal-lawyer If you have been charged with a crime, do not hesitate to reach out to an Alexandria criminal defense and DUI lawyer quickly. By working with a well-versed attorney, you could take immediate action to help mitigate the potential damage of your charges.

Facing criminal accusations can be overwhelming, leaving you feeling pressured to act quickly to defend yourself. However, a person can easily incriminate themselves by trying to talk their way out of a charge. Instead, a legal professional could help to assess your circumstances and guide you through the ensuing case process.

Benefits of Hiring an Attorney

There are a number of important benefits a person might receive when hiring a local attorney. An Alexandria criminal defense and DUI attorney could help by offering their legal skills and services, including:

  • Knowledge of local and state law
  • Legal advice on how to proceed based on the facts of your case and your own unique situation
  • A defense strategy that might minimize the weaknesses and maximize the strengths of your case, working towards a favorable outcome
  • Years of experience in the courtroom (especially local courts)
  • Zealous advocacy in defending you in court and in front of the judge and the prosecutor handling your case
  • Explaining common myths about DUI cases

Essentially, hiring an attorney means having an advisor and an advocate on your side. An attorney—especially a local attorney—who is familiar with both local and state laws, rules, and procedures can help with everything from explaining your rights to forming an aggressive defense strategy or filing an appeal.

Understanding a DUI Offense

It is illegal to drive under the influence of alcohol or other (DUI) in Virginia, and a conviction for drunk driving can lead to large fines and extensive jail time, depending on a number of factors. When someone is stopped and charged with driving under the influence, they should not try to handle their case alone. Instead, an experienced DUI and criminal defense attorney in Alexandria who is familiar with these cases could be essential.

A well-practiced attorney should have an in-depth understanding of state law and courts in order to build a sound defense. A lawyer should also be familiar with the personnel and procedures that characterize local courts, which can be a major asset when someone is facing serious DUI charges.

Whether this is your first time facing charges for driving under the influence or a second- or third-time charge that could result in serious fines and jail time, it is important to protect yourself. It is also important to understand the potential penalties that you might face.

Police, Alcohol, Promile, Sobriety

Potential Drunk Driving Penalties

Being charged with intoxicated driving is a serious crime in the state of Virginia, and what happens when you get a DUI varies depending on your age and your history—such as whether it was a first or subsequent offense.


According to Virginia Code Section 18.2-266.1, drivers under the age of 21 who drink and drive usually commit a Class 1 misdemeanor, punishable by:

History of Offenses

According to Section 18.2-270, drivers convicted of drinking and driving for the first time are guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor, punishable by a mandatory fine of at least $250. However, subsequent offenses can be considered felonies and come with harsher penalties:

  • Second-offense within a five year period — A mandatory fine of at least $500 and a mandatory jail sentence lasting at least 20 days but not more than one year.
  • Second-offense within a five to 10 year period — A mandatory fine of at least $500 and a mandatory jail sentence lasting at least 10 days but not more than one year.
  • Third-offense within a five year period — A mandatory jail sentence lasting six months and a mandatory fine of at least $1,000.
  • Third-offense within a 10 year period — A mandatory jail sentence lasting 90 days.
  • Fourth-offense within a 10 year period — A mandatory jail sentence lasting one year and a mandatory fine of at least $1,000.

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Help With Other Criminal Charges

Our Alexandria criminal defense attorneys handle DUI cases, as well as any of the following criminal charges:

Every case is unique and must be handled with fresh eyes and fine-tuned investigative resources. A legal professional could carefully explain a person’s charges and defense options, which could help to educate and empower them as they face this legal problem. When you are facing such difficult circumstances, it is important to have an advocate on your side who can lend you the confidence that only experience and excellent client service can truly provide.

Drug Charges

Virginia punishes the possession, sale and trafficking of drugs, or controlled substances. If you are facing drug-related criminal charges in Northern Virginia, one of the Alexandria criminal defense attorneys at our law firm could help you. This holds true whether those charges are related to marijuana, heroin, prescription drugs, or any other controlled substances.

Reckless Driving Charges

Drivers can be charged with reckless driving in Virginia for a lot of different reasons. However, what many people don’t know is that reckless driving is a misdemeanor criminal offense—not just a simple traffic ticket. If you have been charged with reckless driving, a practiced criminal defense attorney in Alexandria could work to find a solution to the legal problems you face.

Alexandria Assault Charges

In Virginia, it is considered a crime to inflict or attempt to inflict bodily harm or injury on someone else. In fact, even if someone has a reasonable expectation of unwanted contact, assault charges can result.

Hire an Alexandria Criminal Defense and DUI Attorney for Help

Having a criminal record is a serious matter. It is something that everyone from employers to landlords and admissions counselors take into account. A criminal record is also difficult and costly to get rid of, and it might follow someone around for a long time, no matter where they go or what they try to do.

If you have been accused of a criminal act, a private defense attorney could bring several advantages to your case. Private defense attorneys typically have smaller caseloads and more resources than public defenders, which means they can more readily and intensely focus on your case.

As a result, having an Alexandria criminal defense and DUI lawyer on your side from the beginning to the end of your case could be vital to its outcome. Your initial consultation is free, so do not hesitate to call today and discuss how a seasoned attorney could help.

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By: Josue G.

Title: My experience with Mary was awesome

My experience with Mary was awesome, she took care of my case and the results were amazing! I truly recommend Mary if you have any issues. She is very professional and will take you out of any issues with the law!

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My experience with Mary was awesome, she took care of my case and the results were amazing! I truly recommend Mary if you have any issues. She is very professional and will take you out of any issues with the law!

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