
Chantilly Student Defense Lawyer

If you commit a crime as a student, you are subject to the same charges and penalties as any other adult. However, the consequences of a criminal conviction for a student can extend beyond the legal repercussions. As a result, looking to a Chantilly student defense lawyer for assistance may be wise.

A criminal arrest that occurs while you are in college can result in student disciplinary proceedings at your college or university. You could potentially face suspension or even expulsion. A criminal defense attorney could help you build a strong defense to protect your future.

Common Crimes by Students

Most student crimes are misdemeanor criminal charges and tend to involve alcohol and drugs. A well-practiced Chantilly attorney experienced with building student defenses is still important to obtain even in misdemeanor cases. As most college students are not yet 21, they may end up facing criminal charges for:

  • Underage possession or consumption of alcohol
  • Possessing fake IDs
  • DUI

Alcohol and drug use also may contribute to other criminal offenses that college students may face. Assault, resisting arrest, and disorderly conduct charges all may stem from students being impaired due to alcohol or drug use. Minor drug possession charges, shoplifting, and sexual assault also may occur among college students.

Potential Consequences of Criminal Charges

A student defense lawyer in Chantilly could help students explore their options based on the charges that they are facing. By getting legal advice, alleged offenders may be able to make the best decisions possible for their situation.

The penalties that people receive for a conviction vary widely, and many have a significant impact on their daily lives. For instance, a judge may order college students to serve terms on probation, complete community service hours, and attend substance abuse classes. Colleges students also may lose their driver’s licenses, be subject to random drug and alcohol testing, and require counseling. A criminal conviction could also result in a permanent record that would appear when prospective employers and landlords perform criminal background checks in the future.

Fortunately, diversion programs, probation, and other options may allow students to resolve many criminal charges positively. With a strong legal advocate, students may be able to overcome or substantially reduce the charges against them, depending on the severity of the situation.

Student Disciplinary Proceedings

Even if the prosecutor later drops criminal charges, a student may still face disciplinary proceedings. An arrest could be enough to form the basis for conduct code proceedings, which can have highly damaging results for college students. These proceedings are separate from any criminal proceedings and differ substantially in form and content. A Chantilly lawyer could advise a student on how to handle a disciplinary hearing.

Unlike in the criminal justice system, students are neither entitled to legal counsel nor a presumption of innocence. Instead of the state being required to prove their guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, students must prove their innocence. If the disciplinary board or panel finds that a student violated the school’s code of conduct, then the student is subject to discipline.

A finding of guilt can have harsh results. Students may lose their scholarships, be placed on probation, or lose credibility. Their academic record would reflect a disciplinary finding that could impact their future at graduate or professional schools or lower their chances of attaining coveted jobs or internships.

Talk to a Chantilly Student Defense Attorney Today

Whether you are a college student facing criminal charges, school disciplinary proceedings, or both, you cannot afford to take risks with your future. The outcome of both proceedings can have a critical impact on your future endeavors. With the help of a Chantilly student defense lawyer, you may place yourself in a better position to reach a favorable resolution in your cases. Do not hesitate to contact legal counsel for the help that you could benefit from.

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